• 1) Is it possible to buy a house in Japan without any VISA?

    Yes, you can buy a house in Japan without any VISA. Actually there is no restriction on foreigners to buy a house in Japan. But you need a visa when seeking a mortgage loan.

  • 2) Cost and profitability

    Brokerage fees 3% + 60,000 + consumption tax
    If you are using the services of a real estate agent when buying or selling real estate in Japan, you will be required to pay them a brokerage fee or commission of 3% of the base price + 60,000 yen + consumption tax (currently 10%).

    The base price is the consumption-tax-free price of the property and will be lower than the actual purchase price if the property includes the consumption tax, so make sure you check that your agent has not overcharged you. The consumption tax applies to the building portion of the property if the seller is a company. (The consumption tax is payable by the seller.)

  • 3) Tax-related

    Statutory effective tax rate for rental income
    When a corporation earns income from renting its real estate property, the rental income is included in the total income subject to corporate tax, resident tax, and business tax. Thus, corporate and other taxes are imposed on rental income at approximately 30%, the statutory effective tax rate.

    Property tax and city planning tax.
    Property tax and city planning tax, imposed on owners of fixed assets, such as land and buildings, on January 1 of each year, are paid to the local municipalities where the assets are located. Amounts are calculated based on the value of the assets. The standard property tax rate is 1.4%, and the city planning tax rate is 0.3% (in Osaka city).

    Registration and license tax
    When land and buildings are constructed or bought, registration and license taxes are imposed mainly for the registration of preservation and the relocation of ownership. The following tax rates are imposed against the real estate value for registration and license taxes.

    Stamp tax
    When documents such as contracts and receipts are prepared, revenue stamps must be purchased and pasted on the documents. Then, postmarks need to be stamped on them. The following are the amounts of stamp tax required for documents related to real estate transactions.

  • 4) I would like to rent a house in Japan without VISA.

    You can rent a house without VISA through real estate agent even if you stay at the house for both the long term and the short term.
    We are real estate agent so please contact us if you want to rent a house in Japan.

  • 5) Money transmittance

    It’s quite common for a nonresident customer buying a real estate property in Japan not to have a bank account in Japan. They may need to remit the necessary funds for a purchase in Japan.

  • 6) Mortgage loan

    Typically, obtaining a mortgage for real estate is not possible for individuals from overseas. However, there may be possibilities to secure a mortgage depending on the circumstances. Please feel free to reach out for further details.

  • 7) Can I obtain the right of residence, permanent residency, or citizenship if I buy a house in Japan?

    No, you can’t. you must student visa, manger visa, work visa, or spouse visa and so on if you want the right of residence, permanent residency, or citizenship. We can introduce administrative scrivener who speaks English if you want.

  • 8) Does the house come with the land?

    It depends on the house. There are two types of estate in Japan. One is “freehold” estates. The other one is “leasehold” estates. “Freehold” estates mean coming with the land. “Leasehold” means not including the land and muse be rented. We have almost freehold estates but sometimes we have leasehold estates. We tell you about that if you contact us about any houses.

If you are looking for a good investment property, please contact here: https://x.gd/yS0wi