Privacy Policy

All the information collected by the website (hereinafter “the Website”) of Mythos Co,. LTD (hereinafter “the Company”) will be used to provide customers with the information they require and information that will be of interest to customers. The Company promises to make every effort to protect the privacy of customers. The information collected on the Company’s Website shall be used to ascertain more clearly the interests and trends in the market and among customers. In doing so, the Company believes that it will provide a high level of service that will satisfy all its customers and business partners.

This Privacy Policy shall be applied to the Company’s Website. The precise details of the Company’s Privacy Policy and the type of information it will obtain through its Website are outlined below. In this Privacy Policy, the term “customers” refers to those people who use the Website. By viewing the Website, customers will be regarded as having agreed to the Privacy Policy provisions.

1.Regarding the Methods for Collecting and Using Information of the Website

(i) Cookies

Cookies are data assigned by the web server to distinguish the browser that the customers’ PCs are using. Ordinarily, a website will use temporary cookies called session cookies to follow the website pages among which the customer moved and memorize any information entered on the pages. For example, on e-commerce (shopping) websites that do not use session cookies, even if one places items in the “shopping basket,” they are not displayed until one goes to the checkout page.

(ii) Server Statistics Information

The company collects general statistical information and tracks the varied behavior of customers to the Website. This statistical information includes the number of hits, the type of browser used to access the Website, page views, and other behavioral patterns. The Company cannot identify individual customers from the information thus obtained; the information is used to track from which web pages customers moved. By doing so, we can identify high traffic areas and ascertain the most effective ways of using the Website as a communication interface with customers. As a part of our ongoing analyses, we use a mechanism known as a web beacon. The web beacon enables us to tell whether or not the e-mail we have sent out to customers has been read or not. To prevent the Website from being infected by viruses or hacked by outside parties, the Company collects information such as IP addresses in a log file and checks to ensure that no hackers are concealing themselves within the Website.

(iii) Information Provided to the Company by Customers

Under this Privacy Policy, “personal information” is information about existing customers. It refers to identifiable information such as customers’ names and dates of birth, et cetera (including other information through which we can easily refer to and identify specific customers). When a customer registers at the Website, is asked questions, fills in forms, makes purchases, and sends a mail to the Company, personal information is collected and stored. Customers do not have to submit information to the Website, but when the Company is unable to collect the requisite information, customers may be unable to access certain pages or use some of the functions. In addition, certain other services may not be provided. The Company uses the personal information provided to complete transactions with customers, respond to their requests, arrange and deliver products and services requested by them, promote recommended items, and notify them of changes and special offers.

2.With Regard to the Security Measures Adopted by the Company to Protect the Personal Information of Customers

We adopt safety measures in both physical and electronic management to avoid any illicit access to it, retain accurate information, and make every effort to use the information in an appropriate manner. Unless specifically mentioned in this Privacy Policy, the Company does everything in its power to restrict access to personal information to officers, personnel, and agents of the Company who require it for the purposes of conducting business.

Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party
The Company may, solely in the following instances, provide personal information to a third party.

Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person

Cases in which the provision of personal information is especially necessary for improving public hygiene or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person

Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for cooperating with a state institution, a local public body, or an individual or entity entrusted by one to execute the operations prescribed by laws and in which obtaining the consent of the person might impede the execution of the operations concerned

Cases in which personal information is converted, disclosed, and provided in a data format in which it is impossible to identify the person in question.

Outsourcing to a Third Party
The Company may outsource part or all of the business it handles involving personal information to a third party. In such an event, a basic agreement and the requisite agreement concerning the entrustment of personal information will be concluded between the Company and the outsourced party, and appropriate monitoring of the outsourced party will be conducted.

Alterations to the Privacy Policy

The contents of this Privacy Policy may be altered without any prior notification being given to users. In the event that major alterations are made, notification will be made on the Company’s Website. Unless otherwise stipulated by the Company, the altered Privacy Policy shall become effective as of the time at which it is posted on the Company’s Website.

Enacted on November 1, 2023

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