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The information, data, artwork, pictures, text, or ideas (collectively, “Resources”) found on the www.buy-house.jp website are attributed to Mythos and protected by the copyright laws of Japan or other international regulations applicable. These Resources are available for personal purposes only. Users may not reproduce, reprint, modify, transmit, distribute, sell, post, or republish any Resources present on www.buy-house.jp without prior consent from Mythos.

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Although every effort has been taken to ensure correct information in the content of www.buy-house.jp, Mythos disclaims any liability for accuracy, currency, or utility of this information and any damage or loss that may be caused as a result of any use of or dependence on such content.

Property Information

Please note that the contents of the site may inevitably contain inaccuracies as follows:
Properties listed on the site may be unavailable for lease or sale due to real-time market consequences. The actual condition of properties should prevail over such property information if any difference exists. Lease conditions indicated in “Property Information” such as rent, sales price, and other things may have changed due to lessors’ reasons.

Privacy Statement (Confidentiality Statement)

Mythos makes every care and effort to secure information control on users’ individual details in accordance with the provisions specified in the “Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act”* of Japan. Other than for reasons deemed necessary for business or otherwise justifiable under law, users’ personal information submitted to Mythos will not be distributed or disclosed to any third party.

Mythos Privacy Policy

*Article 45 of “Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Law” of Japan
Any person or real estate company registered under this Law shall not disclose any fact of secrecy inevitably learned in the profession to any third party. This Provision shall apply in the same manner even after the cessation of such profession or business.

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Link to www.buy-house.jp

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